
New Horizons Partnership is a cross-border, cross-community organisation that provides services to learning disabled and other disadvantaged clients.

We focus on four main areas:

  1. We deliver Training to learning disabled and other disadvantaged clients.
  2. We provide Supported Employment services for those clients .
  3. We set up and run Social Enterprises that employ our service users in real businesses, run on a not-for-profit basis by New Horizons.
  4. We develop Learning Resources and training programmes for ourselves and other organisations that provide training to individuals with a learning disability.

New Horizons Partnership was founded by:


Foyle Health and Social Services Trust                                                   Disability Action

HSE - Formerly North Western Health Board Ashbrook Organic Farm

Independent Travel Training | Work, Jobs & Skills Training | Getting a Job & Preparing for Work | Being Effective in Work | Communication Skills Training | Appropriate Work Behaviour | Assertiveness, Respect & Rights | Health & Safety at Work | Personal Hygiene & Self-Presentation | Introduction to Horticulture | Introduction to Catering | Introduction to Working in an Office | Introduction to Working in a Supermarket | Training & Multimedia Learning Resources | New Horizons Partnership -Training for People with Learning Disabilities |